Belstaff Bond Cigars
With nearly 100 years of history, Belstaff is known worldwide for its unique style and products. In 2016, Belstaff released its first cigar brand with a flagship blend that’s bold, rich, and creamy. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic’s most prestigious factory – the home of Macanudo, Cohiba, and more – Belstaff Bond employs a delicious blend of aged long-fillers finished with a dark, sultry Ecuadorian wrapper. The result is a blend that’s spicy, with notes of nuts, wood, pepper, sweet cream, and more. In short, this one will satisfy even the most discerning palate.
Belstaff B4 Pinpoint Double Lighter
Belstaff is a well-known brand name with a unique look and style. Recently, they’ve expanded into the premium cigars and accessories industry with the Belstaff B4 Pinpoint Double Lighter, their finest double torch offered. With dual wind resistant torch flames, an integrated punch cutter, and an easy open flip-top, this lighter has everything required to make the most of your premium cigar experience. If you’ve been looking for an attractive, powerful, and precise cigar lighter, you can’t go wrong with the Belstaff B4 Pinpoint Double lighter.
Belstaff Humidor
Perfect for 20-25 cigars
Price: $110.00 ea
Belstaff Disposable Vape
Price: $14.99 ea